Kate Alarcon of The Cobra Lily shares how she came up with the calla lily design and tips as you go through the Calla Lily's tutorial.

When Quynh told me that the flower for the April Posey Box would be a calla lily, I was so intrigued! Although they grew in my yard as a kid, I had never made a calla, and I thought the unique shape of the flower would be a fun challenge. 

At first, I had the classic white calla with a yellow spike in mind—this was the variety my sisters and I used to pick—but after some research, I learned that this bloom comes in lots of other shapes and colors. I liked the idea of pairing a livelier color and pattern with the simple, elegant shape of the flower. By using two colors of spray paint and peach/yellow doublette, I was able to achieve a surprising amount of color variation. The large, single petal of the calla turns out to be the perfect canvas for a dramatic blend of pinks and corals.

 The really tricky part was the shaping. If you sculpt doublette crepe just right, it gives you enough stretch to create the curved trumpet shape of the calla lily spathe. I...

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